
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Android M Will Support Visual Voice Mail Feature After Upgrade

While Google has laid the foundation to support visual voice mail, but want to get the operator may not be a simple matter.

Unlike iOS and Windows Phone, Android never provided for visual voicemail native support, choosing instead to "delegate" to the operator application. But according to the latest news exposure, change this point occurred among Android M.

According to media reports, a man named Danny Hollis of Google+ users has announced a screenshot showing Android M visual voicemail feature. As can be seen from the figure, the user interface of the function to follow Google's material design, control options available for voice mail via expansion cards, including play / pause button, a progress bar, speaker switch and the delete button. In addition, users can directly call back number or send an SMS reply cards were.

But it is worth noting that, Android M voice message function is not available to all users. Whistleblowers, said that only the United States, France, Orange and T-Mobile in a two operators will begin to support this feature. And Android M, while supporting the voicemail transcription, but there is not any one operator to support this feature.

It seems, though Google has laid the foundation supports visual voicemail, but want to get the operator may not be a simple matter.

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